Henry's Law Constants

Rolf Sander

Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Henry's Law Constants





Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the compilation of Henry's Law Constants, please cite this publication:

R. Sander: Compilation of Henry's law constants (version 5.0.0) for water as solvent, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10901-12440 (2023), doi:10.5194/acp-23-10901-2023

The publication from 2023 replaces that from 2015, which is now obsolete. Please do not cite the old paper anymore.

Henry's Law ConstantsInorganic speciesChlorine (Cl) → dichlorine monoxide

CAS RN:7791-21-1

Hscp d ln Hs cp / d (1/T) References Type Notes
[mol/(m3Pa)] [K]
Secoy and Cady (1941) M 130)
Ourisson and Kastner (1939) M 131)
3.4×10−2 5900 R 132) 133) 134)
7.6×10−2 5600 R 133) 135)
7.0×10−2 Roth (1942) R 136)
Burkholder et al. (2019) ? 137)
Burkholder et al. (2015) ? 137)
Sander et al. (2011) ? 137)
Sander et al. (2006) ? 137)
Young (1983) ? 138)
Wilhelm et al. (1977) W 139)


The first column contains Henry's law solubility constant Hscp at the reference temperature of 298.15 K.
The second column contains the temperature dependence d ln Hs cp / d (1/T), also at the reference temperature.


  • Burkholder, J. B., Sander, S. P., Abbatt, J., Barker, J. R., Huie, R. E., Kolb, C. E., Kurylo, M. J., Orkin, V. L., Wilmouth, D. M., & Wine, P. H.: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation No. 18, JPL Publication 15-10, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, URL (2015).
  • Burkholder, J. B., Sander, S. P., Abbatt, J., Barker, J. R., Cappa, C., Crounse, J. D., Dibble, T. S., Huie, R. E., Kolb, C. E., Kurylo, M. J., Orkin, V. L., Percival, C. J., Wilmouth, D. M., & Wine, P. H.: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation No. 19, JPL Publication 19-5, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, URL (2019).
  • Ourisson, J. & Kastner, M.: Determination des tensions de vapeurs des solutions d’acide hypochloreux à 10 et 20 C, Bull. Soc. Chim. Memoirs, 6, 1307–1311 (1939).
  • Roth, W. A.: Notiz zur Thermochemie des Chlormonoxydes, Z. Phys. Chem., A191, 248–250, doi:10.1515/ZPCH-1942-19117 (1942).
  • Sander, S. P., Friedl, R. R., Golden, D. M., Kurylo, M. J., Moortgat, G. K., Keller-Rudek, H., Wine, P. H., Ravishankara, A. R., Kolb, C. E., Molina, M. J., Finlayson-Pitts, B. J., Huie, R. E., & Orkin, V. L.: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation Number 15, JPL Publication 06-2, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, URL (2006).
  • Sander, S. P., Abbatt, J., Barker, J. R., Burkholder, J. B., Friedl, R. R., Golden, D. M., Huie, R. E., Kolb, C. E., Kurylo, M. J., Moortgat, G. K., Orkin, V. L., & Wine, P. H.: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation No. 17, JPL Publication 10-6, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, URL (2011).
  • Secoy, C. H. & Cady, G. H.: The effect of temperature and pressure on the solubility of chlorine monoxide in water, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 2504–2508, doi:10.1021/JA01854A055 (1941).
  • Wilhelm, E., Battino, R., & Wilcock, R. J.: Low-pressure solubility of gases in liquid water, Chem. Rev., 77, 219–262, doi:10.1021/CR60306A003 (1977).
  • Young, C. L.: IUPAC Solubility Data Series, Volume 12, Sulfur Dioxide, Chlorine, Fluorine and Chlorine Oxides, Pergamon Press, Oxford, doi:10.1016/C2013-0-03419-6 (1983).


Table entries are sorted according to reliability of the data, listing the most reliable type first: L) literature review, M) measured, V) VP/AS = vapor pressure/aqueous solubility, R) recalculation, T) thermodynamical calculation, X) original paper not available, C) citation, Q) QSPR, E) estimate, ?) unknown, W) wrong. See Section 3.1 of Sander (2023) for further details.


130) Secoy and Cady (1941) measured the gas-aqueous equilibrium constant p(Cl2O) / c(HOCl)2 but not the intrinsic Henry's law constant of Cl2O.
131) Ourisson and Kastner (1939) measured the gas-aqueous equilibrium constant p(Cl2O) / c(HOCl)2 but not the intrinsic Henry's law constant of Cl2O.
132) The data from this work were fitted to the three-parameter equation: Hscp= exp( 1680.49677 −69933.08019/T −254.37188 ln(T)) mol m−3 Pa−1, with T in K.
133) The gas-aqueous equilibrium constant p(Cl2O) / c(HOCl)2 was combined with the temperature-dependent aqueous-phase hydration constant c(HOCl)2 / c(Cl2O) from Roth (1929) in order to calculate the intrinsic Henry's law constant of Cl2O.
134) Data for the equilibrium between gaseous Cl2O and aqueous HOCl were taken from Secoy and Cady (1941).
135) Data for the equilibrium between gaseous Cl2O and aqueous HOCl were taken from Ourisson and Kastner (1939).
136) Value at T = 277 K.
137) The recommended value from Wilhelm et al. (1977) appears to be dubious as it refers to Secoy and Cady (1941), who do not provide a value for the intrinsic Henry's law constant of Cl2O.
138) Young (1983) cites data from Secoy and Cady (1941). However, that paper only describes the equilibrium between gas-phase Cl2O and aqueous-phase HOCl. A Henry's law constant of Cl2O is not provided. In addition, the values given by Young (1983) are not extrapolated to infinite dilution but to 1 atm partial pressure of Cl2O. It is not explained how the nonlinear pressure dependence was extrapolated to 1 atm.
139) Wilhelm et al. (1977) cite Secoy and Cady (1941) as the source for their value. However, that paper only describes the equilibrium between gas-phase Cl2O and aqueous-phase HOCl. A Henry's law constant of Cl2O is not provided.

The numbers of the notes are the same as in Sander (2023). References cited in the notes can be found here.

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