Henry's Law Constants

Rolf Sander

NEW: Version 5.0.0 has been published in October 2023

Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Henry's Law Constants





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When referring to the compilation of Henry's Law Constants, please cite this publication:

R. Sander: Compilation of Henry's law constants (version 5.0.0) for water as solvent, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10901-12440 (2023), doi:10.5194/acp-23-10901-2023

The publication from 2023 replaces that from 2015, which is now obsolete. Please do not cite the old paper anymore.

Henry's Law ConstantsOrganic species with other elementsMercury (Hg) → chloromethylmercury

CAS RN:115-09-3

Hscp d ln Hs cp / d (1/T) References Type Notes
[mol/(m3Pa)] [K]
2.2×101 1800 Iverfeldt and Lindqvist (1982) M 33) 826)
1.5×101 Talmi and Mesmer (1975) M 88)
2.0×101 4100 WHO (1990) C 33)
5300 Abraham et al. (2008) Q 215)
2.6×101 Schroeder and Munthe (1998) ? 21) 81)
1.5×101 Iverfeldt and Persson (1985) ? 220)


The first column contains Henry's law solubility constant Hscp at the reference temperature of 298.15 K.
The second column contains the temperature dependence d ln Hs cp / d (1/T), also at the reference temperature.


  • Abraham, M. H., Gil-Lostes, J., Acree, Jr., W. E., Cometto-Muñiz, J. E., & Cain, W. S.: Solvation parameters for mercury and mercury(II) compounds: calculation of properties of environmental interest, J. Environ. Monit., 10, 435–442, doi:10.1039/B719685G (2008).
  • Iverfeldt, Å. & Lindqvist, O.: Distribution equilibrium of methyl mercury chloride between water and air, Atmos. Environ., 16, 2917–2925, doi:10.1016/0004-6981(82)90042-7 (1982).
  • Iverfeldt, Å. & Persson, I.: The solvation thermodynamics of methylmercury(II) species derived from measurements of the heat of solution and the Henry’s law constant, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 103, 113–119, doi:10.1016/S0020-1693(00)87476-9 (1985).
  • Schroeder, W. H. & Munthe, J.: Atmospheric mercury – An overview, Atmos. Environ., 32, 809–822, doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(97)00293-8 (1998).
  • Talmi, Y. & Mesmer, R. E.: Studies on vaporization and halogen decomposition of methyl mercury compounds using gc with a microwave detector, Wat. Res., 9, 547–552, doi:10.1016/0043-1354(75)90080-9 (1975).
  • WHO: Environmental Health Criteria 101 – methylmercury, Tech. rep., World Health Organization, URL (1990).


Table entries are sorted according to reliability of the data, listing the most reliable type first: L) literature review, M) measured, V) VP/AS = vapor pressure/aqueous solubility, R) recalculation, T) thermodynamical calculation, X) original paper not available, C) citation, Q) QSPR, E) estimate, ?) unknown, W) wrong. See Section 3.1 of Sander (2023) for further details.


21) Several references are given in the list of Henry's law constants but not assigned to specific species.
33) Fitting the temperature dependence dlnH/d(1/T) produced a low correlation coefficient (r2 < 0.9). The data should be treated with caution.
81) Value at T = 288 K.
88) Value at T = 295 K.
215) Temperature dependence calculated using linear free energy relationships (LFERs).
220) More than one reference is given as the source of this value.
826) The value from their experiment 7 at 10 °C is not used in the determination of the temperature dependence because of very different ionic strengths and concentrations for that experiment.

The numbers of the notes are the same as in Sander (2023). References cited in the notes can be found here.

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