Henry's Law Constants

Rolf Sander

Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Henry's Law Constants





Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the compilation of Henry's Law Constants, please cite this publication:

R. Sander: Compilation of Henry's law constants (version 5.0.0) for water as solvent, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10901-12440 (2023), doi:10.5194/acp-23-10901-2023

The publication from 2023 replaces that from 2015, which is now obsolete. Please do not cite the old paper anymore.

Henry's Law ConstantsInorganic speciesNitrogen (N) → dinitrogen monoxide

TRIVIAL NAME: nitrous oxide; laughing gas
CAS RN:10024-97-2

Hscp d ln Hs cp / d (1/T) References Type Notes
[mol/(m3Pa)] [K]
2.4×10−4 2600 Burkholder et al. (2019) L 1)
2.1×10−4 2600 Burkholder et al. (2019) L 71)
2.4×10−4 2600 Burkholder et al. (2015) L 1)
2.1×10−4 2600 Burkholder et al. (2015) L 71)
2.4×10−4 2700 Warneck and Williams (2012) L
2.4×10−4 2600 Sander et al. (2011) L 1)
2.4×10−4 2600 Sander et al. (2006) L 1)
2.4×10−4 2500 Young (1981b) L 1)
2.4×10−4 2600 Wilhelm et al. (1977) L
1.8×10−4 Steward et al. (1973) L 14)
2.5×10−4 2500 Allott et al. (1973) L
2.4×10−4 2500 Weiss and Price (1980) M 72)
2.5×10−4 2300 Gabel and Schultz (1973) M
2.4×10−4 Joosten and Danckwerts (1972) M
1.9×10−4 Bachofen and Farhi (1971) M 14)
2.4×10−4 2400 Saidman et al. (1966) M
1.4×10−4 Sy and Hasbrouck (1964) M 14)
2.2×10−4 Nunn (1958) M 73)
2.4×10−4 Orcutt and Seevers (1937a) M
2.4×10−4 2500 Kunerth (1922) M
2.4×10−4 2400 Siebeck (1909) M
2.4×10−4 2700 Geffcken (1904) M
2.3×10−4 2900 Roth (1897) M 74)
2.5×10−4 2600 Carius (1855) M
2.6×10−4 2500 Gordon (1895) X 75)
1.7×10−4 Harris (1951) X 14) 76)
3.0×10−4 Macintosh et al. (1958) X 12) 76)
1.7×10−4 Orcutt and Seevers (1937b) X 59) 76)
2.8×10−4 Nunn (1958) C 12)
2.2×10−4 Hayer et al. (2022) Q 20)
3600 Kühne et al. (2005) Q
2700 Kühne et al. (2005) ?
2.4×10−4 2500 Yaws et al. (1999) ? 21)
1.8×10−4 Abraham and Weathersby (1994) ? 21)
2.4×10−4 2800 Dean and Lange (1999) ? 23)
2.5×10−4 Seinfeld (1986) ? 21)
2.5×10−4 Liss and Slater (1974) ?


The first column contains Henry's law solubility constant Hscp at the reference temperature of 298.15 K.
The second column contains the temperature dependence d ln Hs cp / d (1/T), also at the reference temperature.


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  • Allott, P. R., Steward, A., Flook, V., & Mapleson, W. W.: Variation with temperature of the solubilities of inhaled anaesthestics in water, oil and biological media, Br. J. Anaesth., 45, 294–300, doi:10.1093/BJA/45.3.294 (1973).
  • Bachofen, H. & Farhi, L. E.: Simple manometric apparatus for measuring partition coefficients of highly soluble gases, J. Appl. Physiol., 30, 136–139, doi:10.1152/JAPPL.1971.30.1.136 (1971).
  • Burkholder, J. B., Sander, S. P., Abbatt, J., Barker, J. R., Huie, R. E., Kolb, C. E., Kurylo, M. J., Orkin, V. L., Wilmouth, D. M., & Wine, P. H.: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation No. 18, JPL Publication 15-10, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, URL (2015).
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  • Harris, T. A. B.: The Mode of Action of Anaesthetics, E. & S. Livingstone (1951).
  • Hayer, N., Jirasek, F., & Hasse, H.: Prediction of Henry’s law constants by matrix completion, AIChE J., 68, e17 753, doi:10.1002/AIC.17753 (2022).
  • Joosten, G. E. H. & Danckwerts, P. V.: Solubility and diffusivity of nitrous oxide in equimolar potassium carbonate-potassium bicarbonate solutions at 25C and 1atm, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 17, 452–454, doi:10.1021/JE60055A016 (1972).
  • Kühne, R., Ebert, R.-U., & Schüürmann, G.: Prediction of the temperature dependency of Henry’s law constant from chemical structure, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 6705–6711, doi:10.1021/ES050527H (2005).
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  • Sy, W. P. & Hasbrouck, J. D.: Solubility of nitrous oxide in water and in canine blood, Anesthesiology, 25, 59–63, doi:10.1097/00000542-196401000-00010 (1964).
  • Warneck, P. & Williams, J.: The Atmospheric Chemist’s Companion: Numerical Data for Use in the Atmospheric Sciences, Springer Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2275-0 (2012).
  • Weiss, R. F. & Price, B. A.: Nitrous oxide solubility in water and seawater, Mar. Chem., 8, 347–359, doi:10.1016/0304-4203(80)90024-9 (1980).
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  • Yaws, C. L., Hopper, J. R., Wang, X., Rathinsamy, A. K., & Pike, R. W.: Calculating solubility & Henry’s law constants for gases in water, Chem. Eng., pp. 102–105 (1999).
  • Young, C. L.: IUPAC Solubility Data Series, Volume 8, Oxides of Nitrogen, Pergamon Press, Oxford, doi:10.1016/C2009-0-00222-0 (1981b).


Table entries are sorted according to reliability of the data, listing the most reliable type first: L) literature review, M) measured, V) VP/AS = vapor pressure/aqueous solubility, R) recalculation, T) thermodynamical calculation, X) original paper not available, C) citation, Q) QSPR, E) estimate, ?) unknown, W) wrong. See Section 3.1 of Sander (2023) for further details.


1) A detailed temperature dependence with more than one parameter is available in the original publication. Here, only the temperature dependence at 298.15 K according to the van 't Hoff equation is presented.
12) Value at T = 293 K.
14) Value at T = 310 K.
20) Calculated using machine learning matrix completion methods (MCMs).
21) Several references are given in the list of Henry's law constants but not assigned to specific species.
23) The partial pressure of water vapor (needed to convert some Henry's law constants) was calculated using the formula given by Buck (1981). The quantities A and α from Dean and Lange (1999) were assumed to be identical.
59) Value at T = 311 K.
71) Solubility in sea water.
72) The data from Weiss and Price (1980) were fitted to the three-parameter equation: Hscp= exp( −180.63611 +9824.20147/T +24.46112 ln(T)) mol m−3 Pa−1, with T in K.
73) Value at T = 296 K.
74) The data from Roth (1897) were fitted to the three-parameter equation: Hscp= exp( −125.17909 +7706.80638/T +15.96486 ln(T)) mol m−3 Pa−1, with T in K.
75) Value given here as quoted by Gabel and Schultz (1973).
76) Value given here as quoted by Sy and Hasbrouck (1964).

The numbers of the notes are the same as in Sander (2023). References cited in the notes can be found here.

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